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battelgrounds - same badges than before ?

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battelgrounds - same badges than before ? Empty battelgrounds - same badges than before ?

Post  Borow Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:01 am

Are the old "badges of justice" (UDE) still useable for the new battleground crafts (like "belt of the twilight assassin") ?

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battelgrounds - same badges than before ? Empty Re: battelgrounds - same badges than before ?

Post  Bernado Fri Jul 09, 2010 7:05 am

I would think they are just as the old materials are good for crafting the new cards.


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battelgrounds - same badges than before ? Empty Re: battelgrounds - same badges than before ?

Post  Roshen Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:11 am


All of the old Crafting Materials (including Badge of Justice) are still good for Crafting Redemption.

You can use a WoW TCG Badge of Justice card for any recipe that requires a Badge of Justice, regardless of the company that produced it.
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battelgrounds - same badges than before ? Empty Re: battelgrounds - same badges than before ?

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