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Poor Print Quality

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Poor Print Quality Empty Poor Print Quality

Post  AdmiralPendragon Thu May 27, 2010 12:54 am

Howdy Yall,
I'm sure this might be nothing new in the CCG world, but as I'm fairly new to it, what am I supposed to do with cards that are clearly miscolored or printed incorrectly? Is there a method of exchange? Am I allowed to play them still in organized play events? Should I not even worry about it because reasonable people can tell what the card is supposed to be?

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Join date : 2010-05-03
Location : Houston Texas

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Poor Print Quality Empty Re: Poor Print Quality

Post  Zee_n1 Thu May 27, 2010 1:58 am

First, I'd try to make sure the card isn't a fake. How did you get it? Did you pull it from a pack? Did you buy it as a single? If it's not a fake, and is a misprint, it could actually be higher in value, since there are people who enjoy collecting misprints.

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Poor Print Quality Empty Re: Poor Print Quality

Post  Johnson Thu May 27, 2010 4:21 am

As long as the card isn't false, and you can correctly read it, you can play it. You may have to sleeve your deck if the backs are slightly different, but you'll have to anyways if you play cards from before the game changed hands to Cryptozoic, since the backs are different.

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Poor Print Quality Empty Re: Poor Print Quality

Post  AdmiralPendragon Thu May 27, 2010 6:14 am

Im pretty sure they are authentic, i got the cards in question all from packs in a booster box. Most of the color issues are on the class symbol for abilities, excessively dark, or wrong tones. Also, it wasn't one or two. I probably got 1 card per pack like that.

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Poor Print Quality Empty Re: Poor Print Quality

Post  crimsonowl Thu May 27, 2010 6:42 am

A decent number of cards get miscolored. I've purchased several unopened booster displays, to include Wrathgate, and even my new Wrathgate had a surprising number of cards that had more red ink than they were intended to I'm sure. It happens.

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Join date : 2010-05-13
Location : Bellevue, NE

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