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How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)?

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How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)? Empty How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)?

Post  Dirt Farmer Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:30 pm

I can't find them anywhere and am curious as to how others already have them?

Help please!
Dirt Farmer
Dirt Farmer

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How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)? Empty Re: How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)?

Post  Bernado Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:01 am

I think they were part of a Battleground kit as some other tokens you can see pictures around.
I would like to get my hands on a few of them too.


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How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)? Empty Re: How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)?

Post  kelbar Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:26 am

if i know there no official cards. i go to and make my own ones


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How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)? Empty Re: How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)?

Post  shadowwarl Sat Jul 17, 2010 3:13 pm

Bernado wrote:I think they were part of a Battleground kit as some other tokens you can see pictures around.
I would like to get my hands on a few of them too.

They are scheduled for an upcoming BG kit in the next few months.

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How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)? Empty Re: How do you get the Blighthound tokens(actual cards)?

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