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Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :(

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Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :( Empty Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :(

Post  drone8888 Thu Jun 10, 2010 4:58 pm

Got lucky on one of the random loot cards. I won the X-51 rocket.... but I'm level 80, and it's a 150% flying mount. I know the Spectral has the option to get your riding skill prize and so does the rocket if it were from the actual card. My question is,... is there a way to get my epic rocket as well? This seems broken, or I did something wrong. Please let me know. Thanks, and great job on the take over. Smile


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Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :( Empty Re: Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :(

Post  Roshen Thu Jun 10, 2010 5:44 pm


There are two separate rockets that can be awarded. One is "X-51 Nether-Rocket " and one is "X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME." If you had the WoW TCG Loot Card X-51 Nether-Rocket, Landro awards both of these items to the character that turns in this Loot card. Both of these items are different speeds, and neither scales to the riding skill of the character that uses it.

In the case of Landro's Gift Box, the item you receive is random. If it's not the item you seek, mounts should be Bind on Equip, so you can trade it to a player that would prefer this speed of mount, or sell it in the Auction House.

There is not a way in game to trade a "X-51 Nether-Rocket "for a "X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME" or vice versa.

We hope this information is helpful, and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused by this.
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Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :( Empty Re: Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :(

Post  drone8888 Thu Jun 10, 2010 8:16 pm

I didn't buy the card, with the hopes of getting it this way. Guess I'll keep my fingers crossed. Thanks for the quick response. Now if only you could help me by punching the rep's at Upper Deck in the face for not emailing me before shutting down the UDE points store. What a rip off. When I heard they were dumping the TCG, I bought up a ton of boxes of cards to get all the loot before it was gone. Now, because of their deception, I'm stuck with around 100k UDE points unregistered Sad America, home of the sleaze.



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Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :( Empty Re: Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :(

Post  soulzek Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:55 am

petition a gm, they might switch it out for you

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Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :( Empty Re: Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :(

Post  Dirt Farmer Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:03 pm

drone8888 wrote:America, home of the sleaze.

You could go fall on an axe....just say'n.
Dirt Farmer
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Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :( Empty Re: Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :(

Post  Desaad Sat Jun 26, 2010 3:57 pm

I had a similar situation happen to me. Except mine is the Spectral Tiger... I petitioned the GM and they said exactly what you guys said. The Landro's Box can give either of the mounts, not both like the actual card does.... I feel like I just won 1st place in the special olympics!!

drone8888 wrote:Got lucky on one of the random loot cards. I won the X-51 rocket.... but I'm level 80, and it's a 150% flying mount. I know the Spectral has the option to get your riding skill prize and so does the rocket if it were from the actual card. My question is,... is there a way to get my epic rocket as well? This seems broken, or I did something wrong. Please let me know. Thanks, and great job on the take over. Smile


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Join date : 2010-03-24

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Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :( Empty Re: Lucky Landro Loot Box... problem though... kinda :(

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