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How Do I Register For Events?

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How Do I Register For Events? Empty How Do I Register For Events?

Post  Aestu Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:17 am

I am looking to participate in the Spectral Safari. I have not participated in tournaments for WoW TCG in the past, but I am looking forward to it! I've played in tournaments for many other CCGs so I have quite some experience.

In response to a similar query, it was replied that,
You have to be enrolled in this tournament to be a 'participant' in this event. If you're not enrolled in this event, you're not participating.

Do I merely have to show up? Is there a reservation system, or do I have to put my name on a list of contestants for the TCG as a whole on Cryptozoic's end?

Please reply in as great detail as possible, thanks.

Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-07-23

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How Do I Register For Events? Empty Re: How Do I Register For Events?

Post  Damio Fri Jul 23, 2010 8:20 am

Aestu wrote:I am looking to participate in the Spectral Safari. I have not participated in tournaments for WoW TCG in the past, but I am looking forward to it! I've played in tournaments for many other CCGs so I have quite some experience.

In response to a similar query, it was replied that,
You have to be enrolled in this tournament to be a 'participant' in this event. If you're not enrolled in this event, you're not participating.

Do I merely have to show up? Is there a reservation system, or do I have to put my name on a list of contestants for the TCG as a whole on Cryptozoic's end?

Please reply in as great detail as possible, thanks.

depending on you're store, just turn up or reserve, id give the store a call just to double check you don't have to reserve a place, its basically however the store have decided to run it

Posts : 356
Join date : 2010-03-25
Location : somewhere in the UK if you know where, please tell me because i don't

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