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NooB QueStiOn HeRe!! derp derp derp

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NooB QueStiOn HeRe!! derp derp derp Empty NooB QueStiOn HeRe!! derp derp derp

Post  MaRtiGaN Mon Aug 09, 2010 3:43 pm

So its been a long time since i played WOW TCG and im back on it again... and to my surprise i found LOCATION CARDS.. wtf... how do you use them? Do they count as RESOURCE? How many can i have in play? I stopped playing after Fires of Outland... so.. im pretty waaaaay behind...

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Join date : 2010-08-09

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NooB QueStiOn HeRe!! derp derp derp Empty Re: NooB QueStiOn HeRe!! derp derp derp

Post  BlueRider Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:04 pm

They're just like Quests with a couple of differences.

Firstly, when you use the power on a location you don't flip it face down, so they're reusable.

Secondly, you can only have one face up location in play at a time. If you ever control two or more face up locations at a time then you have to flip all but one of them face down.

Lastly, some locations have a castle icon in the lower right corner with a number on it. This number is the maximum number of counters that you can have on that location.

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Location : San Diego, California, USA, North America, Northern Hemisphere, Earth, Sol, Milky Way

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NooB QueStiOn HeRe!! derp derp derp Empty Re: NooB QueStiOn HeRe!! derp derp derp

Post  MaRtiGaN Mon Aug 09, 2010 5:00 pm


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-08-09

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