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Exactly what do I do with Material Cards?

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Exactly what do I do with Material Cards? Empty Exactly what do I do with Material Cards?

Post  Bricey Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:05 pm

I went out today to get some TCG Cards, I got wind scales and Siren's tear.
I got really confused, And can anyone tell me what im exactly supposed to do with these?
Thanks Smile


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Exactly what do I do with Material Cards? Empty Re: Exactly what do I do with Material Cards?

Post  BlueRider Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:20 pm

They're for the crafting redemption program. There are crafting recipes for different cards. The collect the materials you need and them mail them in or turn them in at a large tournament and you get a card. Details can be found in this thread.

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