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Archives Loot Insert, No Purchase Necessary?

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Archives Loot Insert, No Purchase Necessary? Empty Archives Loot Insert, No Purchase Necessary?

Post  Stillwind Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:34 pm

Hia, on the back of the Archives Boxes, it says that there is no purchase nessesary, and for a chance to get an insert loot card, to go here to cryptozoic, and provide, where requested, some info. But I'm here, and for the life of me, I cant figure out where to send the info to have a chance at a free loot card. I know its cheezey but I want a chance at free cool stuff, it does say that I dont have to buy anything for a chance at it, so could someone tell me where on this website I'm supposed to go?

Cus theres nothing obvious, and the back of the box even says that they dont accept mail in requests, so I'm officially stumped.

Thanks in advance for helping me figure out where to go on the website, or where to send the email. Very Happy


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Join date : 2010-09-02

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Archives Loot Insert, No Purchase Necessary? Empty Re: Archives Loot Insert, No Purchase Necessary?

Post  BlueRider Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:50 pm

I don't know, but you might try posting on the new forums at These forums were just temporary and aren't checked as often.

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Age : 43
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