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Help, blizzard cant help me so im guessing you can!!!

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Help, blizzard cant help me so im guessing you can!!! Empty Help, blizzard cant help me so im guessing you can!!!

Post  nicksmithcc Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:31 pm


Me and my wife have recently invested in about 3 boxes of the World of Warcraft trading card Archives set. We think this set is very nice and we were happy with most of the loot cards we got out of it.. Except that when i tried to reclaim my Red Bearon loot card (for the bear mount) The game would not accept the code generated by the website.

I took this problem up with blizzard and they manually gave me the item from the code.. all is fixed right? WRONG!!!!!!!!

The code on my red bearon loot card is for SANDBOX TIGERS and not the bear mount!!!!

this is obviously a misprint on your end, please fix this, any support you give me will determine if i ever invest in these cards again as i am an avid collector and i really feel wronged here. I can provide photos and a scan of the card, and i can even go as far as mailing the card back to you to get my code through email or what not.

Thank you for your support



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Join date : 2010-09-20

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Help, blizzard cant help me so im guessing you can!!! Empty Re: Help, blizzard cant help me so im guessing you can!!!

Post  BlueRider Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:46 pm

That is weird. Cryptozoic has set up new forums and these ones aren't really used much anymore. You'd probably get a faster response over there.

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Help, blizzard cant help me so im guessing you can!!! Empty Re: Help, blizzard cant help me so im guessing you can!!!

Post  nicksmithcc Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:23 pm

thanks i posted over there now.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-09-20

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Help, blizzard cant help me so im guessing you can!!! Empty Re: Help, blizzard cant help me so im guessing you can!!!

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