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Decks to Beat section

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Decks to Beat section Empty Decks to Beat section

Post  WingedWeasel Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:33 pm

I guess this is the most appropriate forum to post this question in, however mods feel free (not like you needed my permission) to move it as needed.

There have been a lot of posts in various parts of the forum asking for decklists for both core and classic, with little in the way of discussion. Although I understand there are many reasons why CZE may not want to "endorse" certain decks by making a thread about kuma stickied as an example, as opposed to letting the community self-police by keeping threads bumped via replies there are merits to doing so. Since there are currently really no "competitors" to the Cryptozoic website in terms of strategy and deck discussion ( has been silent for months, and less so but still quiet, if there is one that is alive I'd love to hear of it) it would be beneficial to the community to have at least a sticky with the top 8 decklists from recent events posted in the appropriate forum, if not a set of stickied threads about various "tier 1" archtypes.

Although the forums are not quiet moving at break-neck speed it is still relatively easy for someone new(er) to the game to overlook certain things. This would cut down on the number of duplicate threads and help both new players as well as veterans by centralizing discussion about archtypes and/or formats. It gives people the proverbial gauntlet to test against as well as showing newer players where to begin as far as competitive play goes.

As I said, I recognize that there are valid reasons for this not to occur, however the benefits would appear to far outweigh the potential issues. Would a moderator or CZE rep be able to comment either way on this issue?


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Join date : 2010-04-07

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Decks to Beat section Empty Re: Decks to Beat section

Post  Roshen Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:12 pm


Seems like a neat idea.

If you wanted to create a 'gauntlet thread,' and update/maintain it as the results from future events come in like EUCC/GenCon I wouldn't mind tossing it a sticky.

If you wanted to chat more about it, feel free to ping me directly.

Last edited by Roshen on Thu Jun 10, 2010 3:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
CZE Employee

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Decks to Beat section Empty Re: Decks to Beat section

Post  LankyBrit Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:57 pm

I say 'wait for the new web-site'. It's supposed to be spectacular, and surely they'll have an 'Events' section with all the coverage (including deck lists) of recent events. Right?

Cheers. geek

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