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I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.<

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I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.< Empty I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.<

Post  Ktx13 Sat Oct 16, 2010 7:26 am

Well, i just bought 3 boxes of the 24 pack Archives booster's as well as a couple starter packs, and i was just wondering #1 What does EA mean? Also, is there a site or forum i can go to, to see what cards are very rare and prized. I am not interested in the *loot to be honest. I am very keen on getting active in the TCG community, and to one day compete. Also, how can i tell what cards are rare? or Epic?

Thanks for your help!


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-10-16

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I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.< Empty Re: I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.<

Post  BlueRider Mon Oct 18, 2010 2:31 pm

EA stands for Extended Art. An EA card has a larger art window than a normal card. See regular Scout Omerrta vs EA Scout Omerrta:
I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.< Scout_omerrtaI am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.< Scout_omerrta

The new official forums would probably be a good place to start. They've been moved to

Rarity is determined by the color of the text at the bottom of the card.
White = Common
Green = Uncommon
Blue = Rare
Purple = Epic
Orange = Legendary/Loot

Scout Omerrta above is common because the symbol and "DARK PORTAL 232/319 " at the bottom of the card are white. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish between the blue and purple, though this is mostly limited to the older sets.

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I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.< Empty Re: I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.<

Post  Ktx13 Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:34 pm

thank you very much for your help Smile


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-10-16

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I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.< Empty Re: I am very new to TCG, and i just need a couple things answered plz >.<

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