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Need help - noob questions :S

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Need help - noob questions :S Empty Need help - noob questions :S

Post  imperialpaladin Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:47 pm

Hey guys my friend and I are looking into at getting into the wow tcg, however we are not sure where to start, we have no interest in the 'raid decks' at the moment, just want to 2player decks to vs each other etc... I have a few quick questions to ask from experienced players;

1) Whats the best starting deck/s, the old UDE suggested the drums of war, but that seems old and dated, I am considering getting the 'class starter decks' that I understand were recently released. If there is a better option , if so why?

2) According to wiki there has been around 10sets released to date, are these still produced and available for sale, if so from where?

3) I understand that a few months ago UDE lost the rights and Cryptozoic got them, does Cryptozoic plan on releasing more decks and providing more product knowledge on this site?

That's about it, answers to any of these, particularly the first one would be appreciated.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-08-06

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