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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Roshen Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:09 pm

Cryptozoic Entertainment (CZE) is dedicated to supporting the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game and your Brick and Mortar store!

CZE has support for local play groups starting this month. In order to be on our list for solicitations for Battleground kits, and other store run events such as Sneak Previews, Release Parties and other special events please email with the following information in the text of your message.

Store Name:
Store Address:
Store Phone Number:
Store Email Address:
Store web address:
Contact Name(s) for a owner and/or tournament organizer:

Please include a phone number and/or email address for these contact people if they would like to be contacted at a place that is different than the store.

Attached to this email should be a scan of your store's business license. If your store's website or facebook page doesn't have clear pictures of your store, please include a few pictures that clearly show your physical store front, and tournament gaming space.

Last edited by Roshen on Thu Jul 15, 2010 4:50 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Johnson Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:15 pm

I have a quick question: is this support available to non-American countries, or are those countries going to have to wait a little (and if so, how long would you estimate the wait)?

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Roshen Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:15 pm


We're working to get things moving globally. While I can't promise there will be support in every country immediately, we're working to get prize kits into the hands of as many people as possible this month; even outside of North America.

I'm tasked with getting a list of North America stores together. I'll do my best to get things moving for any store outside of North America that contacts me as well.
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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Hooblah Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:59 pm


Thanks for your replies and effort to getting BG kits out so fast, this is much smoother and faster then i expected, pass on the appreciation from the community.


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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Roshen Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:48 am

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty BG kits to abroad

Post  welshjudge Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:18 am


How can we order BG kits for stores/clubs in the UK? Is there an office for Cryptozoixc in UK/Europe? Thanks



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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  shelitha Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:35 pm

does it has to be a game store
for example the game store in my area is small not much room to do tourney can it be a rec center and the kits sent to a judge?


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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Roshen Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:24 pm

welshjudge wrote:Hi

How can we order BG kits for stores/clubs in the UK? Is there an office for Cryptozoixc in UK/Europe?

There is not currently a physical Cryptozoic office in the UK or Europe. We hope to have specific information soon on how stores can place orders for BG kits in this region.

shelitha wrote:does it has to be a game store
for example the game store in my area is small not much room to do tourney can it be a rec center and the kits sent to a judge?

At this time, only a physical hobby store can order Battleground kits. We do not offer kits to individual, rec centers, or businesses without a physical store front.
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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Realitycheck for CZE

Post  MasterBofSweden Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:51 pm

In Sweden there are almost no profit in running a gaming store. Sweden have 9 million inhabitants. Driving from the north to south takes 24 hours, no breaks. Our Gasoline cost 4 times what it does in US. We have a lower average income. The WoW TCG boosters cost twice here so people tend to buy them on the internet. At the moment not even our capital with over 1 million people living there host any events at all. In Helsingborg where I live there have been three Major attempts to start a gaming-shop since mine went bankrupt in 1990. All had to close due to financial issues. The one we have now only sports GW and will close, have the owner told me, in a short period of time. We have had the biggest playing group in Sweden that plays on regular basis we have a lvl 2 judge. I have invested a lot in this game and now you tell me that we can't have a BG kit to try to rekindle the faith amongst our players??? I'm think I just lost the final hope.

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Gwon Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:55 pm

MasterBofSweden wrote:In Sweden there are almost no profit in running a gaming store. Sweden have 9 million inhabitants. Driving from the north to south takes 24 hours, no breaks. Our Gasoline cost 4 times what it does in US. We have a lower average income. The WoW TCG boosters cost twice here so people tend to buy them on the internet. At the moment not even our capital with over 1 million people living there host any events at all. In Helsingborg where I live there have been three Major attempts to start a gaming-shop since mine went bankrupt in 1990. All had to close due to financial issues. The one we have now only sports GW and will close, have the owner told me, in a short period of time. We have had the biggest playing group in Sweden that plays on regular basis we have a lvl 2 judge. I have invested a lot in this game and now you tell me that we can't have a BG kit to try to rekindle the faith amongst our players??? I'm think I just lost the final hope.

How did you get support before? Were you working with a local distributor?
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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  MasterBofSweden Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:30 pm

The Distributor saw no other way than sending to us, our local gamingclub. Specially since we arranged and hosted most of the competition in the realm.

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  MasterBofSweden Mon Apr 12, 2010 5:00 am

I guess Gwon died?

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty UK gaming scene

Post  carldouglas Mon May 03, 2010 10:35 am

This thread is of some interest to me; UDE (or UDI, whatever) that operated in the UK realised that in so far as we have a few hobby stores dotted around that could/would host WoW TCG events, there were an equal number if not more based out of play groups that obviously don't have the physical presence of a store, but instead would meet up in pubs, hotels, universities, halls etc.

It wasn't a problem though for those of us in these playgroups (I should point out that I would TO/judge most of our battlegrounds, sneak previews, realm qualifiers etc, and this is as the only venue in the UK's second largest city, Birmingham) could apply and would be sent the battleground kits and host the aforementioned competitive events with ease.

I am afraid that if Cryptozoic go down an avenue of refusing to help those with non-physical locations, I'm afraid you may as well end up ruling yourself out of places like the UK (and perhaps Sweden too it sounds). The truth is we don't have the popularity of hobby stores over here, the continued popularity and success of the game relies on encouraging and supporting active playgroups.

Just to re-iterate an earlier point, I would TO tournaments in Birmingham which prior to this didn't have any stores/venues that held official competitive events (or have any real playgroup scene from what we could tell), and you would be talking about an hours journey probably before you found somewhere that did. That situation is replicated over much of the UK, hell even our capital (yes, London) would rarely hold sneak previews and realm qualifiers; an anomaly for sure, because I know there were some players down there.

So to sum up, please Cryptozoic, don't help kill the WoW TCG scene off in places like the UK, take a lesson from Upper Deck (probably one of the only ones to take I dare say) and help the game grow not stifle it with such restrictions.

/end rant Smile


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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  welshjudge Tue May 04, 2010 6:50 am

I echo all Carldouglas' sentiments above as the only (as far as I know) active WOW organizer in Wales. We really need to be able to run a Wrathgate Preview or Release event to keep our tournaments on track as they have been a little stagnant recently.


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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Géronimo Tue May 04, 2010 8:20 am

My local store mailed infos last week, but his mail was return whith a failure road information.
Is it possible to send me (a mp ?) more news about the way to do ?

Thanks in advance, srry for my really poor english.


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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Kirkaldy Scotland

Post  PONE69 Sat May 29, 2010 8:04 pm

Hi There

My name is Alan Robertson I have been teaching WOW from the start, helped out on the release, since then we in Fife (John Jenkins (T/O) and Myself (Judge)) have run loads of BG, relms, also helping out upperdeck in promoting the game and local tournaments.

We also teach WOW at Adam Smith College and go into Schools to promote the game, it’s a win win for the stores in the area as they are the ones getting the trade from the people that we teach.

But as we see it now that it will only be the stores that get the goods and not the people that run events in there own area were they can get space, this will see a big effect for the actual people that play the game, forcing the store who sometimes don’t have the space to hold events cashing in on the popularity of the game also the chance to get promo cards, in a few areas they have depended on the individuals to promote the game who go out there way as a hobby.

We teach 30/40 people per day at College and Schools in our area, we are both working full time in other jobs but do this for the learning quality that the game has to offer to the individual.

It will be a loss for the local individuals who put them selves out for the love of the game, for a shop in the area to get the promo items so they can build up there sales.

The shop vs. an individual.
Cons for the shop
Does a shop help the new player into the game?
Does the shop owner spend time with an individual regarding the game?
Does the shop owner spend time building a deck out of the cards bought from the store?
Pros for the shop
They have the stock and make a profit; some have space to hold events at a cost profit, some even get paying customers to pay to play in the shop? Profit

The individual who gives up there time for the game.
Always helps a new player into the game.
Always spends time to make sure the individual has a good understanding of the game.
Always helps build decks out of the cards they have and some of us put in cards from our own to help there deck out.
All of this free of charge and done for the love of the game, getting more people playing, so who is going to be the ones worst of, that will be the individuals who put them selves out for the love of the game, the shops will still be there selling the cards but there might be less people playing the game in there area due to the turn around.

I hope this all makes sense to you who have read this, post reply or send mail.

Thank you


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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Bernado Sun May 30, 2010 12:21 am


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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty reply

Post  PONE69 Sun May 30, 2010 1:23 pm

Sorry I have not seen the volunteer program, but will have a look thank you for your help.

Keep Playing


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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Bernado Mon May 31, 2010 1:18 am

I hope you find it useful.
If you see Inspector Rebus give my regards to him. Very Happy


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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  nekoangel Wed Jun 09, 2010 2:32 am

hi im based in ipswich suffolk in the uk and we here have the same problem, our store recently went under but there is still a gaming club every friday night and we used to play wow tcg like a religion untill we stopped getting cards, promos and events.
(i was waiting on cards and the like for so long it was boring me).
now we still have a club and a player base which isnt that big but its steady and we always welcome new players, were like a big family in that respect.

now im hoping we can still get BG kits and the like as everyone loved getting cool stuff by playing the game they loved, we even overpowered the MTG community here hah. between all the people here we can run tournaments even call in other game judges and people to TO so we have all the components just no rewards or boosters to play with, ive just checked out the volunteer program and it looks like ill apply but with no store and only a gaming club i wana offer the same sort of level of play we used to have if not more.

sp really im wondering can things be like we used to have without a shop?

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  Piclesboy Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:17 pm

We have no store but, but we have weekly encounters for gaming, its hard to know you're alone...
Our local store when got Yu-Gi-Oh! promos from UDE sold them as singles...nice to know they'll recieve the Battlegrounds and we wont.

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  BlueRider Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:18 pm

If you find a store selling the contents of the battleground kits, let Cryptozoic know. They are meant to be given out as prizes, not sold.

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  nekoangel Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:07 pm

wow retailers taking advantage of player loyalty through not only not giving the cards out but selling them instead?!
thats just low in my books

id kill for monthly kits me and my mates loved it when we got them there such an incentive to play as being rewarded for doing something you love is awesome right?

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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Shops selling promo items

Post  PONE69 Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:18 pm

This is getting to be a bit out of hand, with the shops receiving Battleground kits or any other promo stuff free of charge, for them to take advantage of the company.

One of our local shops has bundled the promo cards up and selling them at £5 a time? Who I will not name on a public forum.

The drew back of a shop is that they are there to make money on anything they sell, some of the shop owners around my area ask me to give them advice on World of Warcraft as they don’t know or don’t care about the game as they have to may items in there shop to sell and they see it as a low cost item, not so good for the player who needs help with the game one way or the other.

I think you would be better of giving the Battleground kits to clubs or groups who will put the cards to better use and try involve new people to play the game also they could advertise the shops that sell the products.

We used to get Battleground kits sent to us but that all stopped after the take over, we have put a lot of time and effort in to get new players playing Warcraft in our area, giving us Battleground kits would keep us going out to reach new players and building up the Warcraft community, this would help us give the people who play and are new to the game promo items and not for them to go into a shop and buy them, this type of behaviour sets a bad image for the shop and to the company. Sad



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Information for Ordering Battleground Kits Empty Re: Information for Ordering Battleground Kits

Post  BlueRider Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:42 pm

PONE69 wrote:One of our local shops has bundled the promo cards up and selling them at £5 a time? Who I will not name on a public forum.
If you're not going to name them here then you need to contact Cryptozoic and let them know who is doing this.

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